Personal Achievement Badges - Beavers
Official details and some resources [LINK]
Exploring Beaver: anything to do with outdoor adventure and inquiry
Earth Beaver: anything related to environmental stewardship
Leader Beaver: organizing and taking part in activites that develop team skills
Beaver Heroes: discovering contributing members of the community and the positive difference they make
Olympic Beaver: having fun exploring healthy activity
Chef Beaver: having fun discovering healthy eating and making food that works at home and for Scouting activities
Pet Care Beaver: exploring how to look after domesticated animals
Tech Beaver: discovering how to use technology safely and responsibly
Community Beaver: opportunities to offer community service
Canada Beaver: discovering and exploring anything to do with our country and being a good citizen
Beavers of the World: discovering Scouting youth around the world, and helping someone somewhere else in the Scouting way
Musical Beaver: exploring a variety of musical expressions, including singing, dancing, playing an instrument, composing, choreographing or creating an instrument
Scientific Beaver: learning and experimenting critically and empirically
Creative Beaver: using the imagination to devise art, inventions and handicrafts
Spirit Beaver: exploring beliefs that are important for self and family as well as the beliefs of another faith
Friendship Beaver: exploring values that are important for self and family as well as those important to the Scouting movement